Ultimate Guide To Internet Marketing Terminology

Reading Time: 25 Minutes


Learning Internet Marketing Basic Terminology and How It Relates to Business.

We create a lot of content and meet with many more people. We have developed a guide for you – the searcher, learner and business builder.

We love providing new resources and we will be continuing to update this one as time and the internet goes on in maturity and new systems.


A/B Testing

If you want to improve your marketing efforts, A/B testing may come in handy. This is the process of comparing two variations of the same variable to find out which one performs best. The variations can be change in copy, call-to-actions, landing pages, etc. Even colors of the button can be the difference in getting more leads for your business or not.

Above The Fold

This term originates from newspapers. Most newspapers came to your doorstep folded, and then if it was interesting enough, you unfolded and read the rest of the article.

In website terms, ‘above the fold’ is the type of content that a website visitor sees before scrolling down on a specific page. Typically, we like to have a call-to-action that first stands out before someone has to scroll to see it for higher conversion rates.

Ad Burnout
When your impression rate for an individual goes so high that the user begins to tune out your advertisement from seeing it far too often.

Affiliate Marketing

This is a type of performance-based marketing where a brand rewards affiliate partners for each website visitor or customer brought by the affiliate’s own advertising efforts. Affiliates typically receive discounts or payments based on the number of visitors or customers they bring.

Alternative Text

Alt text, or “alternative attribution,” is like a caption on any image on any of your web pages. This text should explain to the viewer exactly what they’re looking at without needing to actually see the image.

This is a huge accessibility thing that every website owner ought to include. We use alt text so that an image is optimized for any kind of viewer, e.g. someone who might be blind. Their software can read the labeling of the alt-text and Google/Bing see this as signals of relevant content on the page.


Analytics is data that helps you track the performance of your social media content. Analytical data could include page views, time on page, clickthrough rate, and engagement rate.

Application Program Interface (API)

An “application programming interface,” or API, is a way for your website to send or receive information to other services and make connections and data sharing happen. It can be a little bit more complicated than that, but it’s a pretty handy tool!


An avatar is an image or username that represents a person online, most often within forums and social networks.


Behavior-Based Marketing Automation

Behavior-based marketing automation refers to a system that triggers emails and other communication based on user activity on and off your site. It enables business owners  to nurture leads and send them information only when it is most relevant to their point in the buying cycle. This can also be really annoying and should be evaluated for your business.

Behavioral Targeting

Is serving tailored advertising to audiences by utilizing their previous web browsing behavior in order to drive more engagement.


A bio on social media refers to a short bit of explainer text that explains who the user is.


Bitly is a free URL shortening service that provides statistics for the links users share online. Bitly is popularly used to condense long URLs to make them easier to share on social networks.


Blog is a word that was created from two words: “web log.” Blogs are usually maintained by an individual or a business with regular entries of content on a specific topic, descriptions of events, or other resources such as graphics or video. “Blog” can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.


Someone who writes blogs.


This is short for web log or weblog. An individual or group of people usually maintains a blog. A personal blog or business blog will traditionally include regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material, such as photos and video.

Blogging is a core component of inbound marketing, lead generation and search engine optimization, as it can accomplish several initiatives simultaneously — like website traffic growth, thought leadership, and etc.


Bookmarking online is similar to the same idea of placing a bookmark in a physical publication — you’re simply marking something you found important for later.

Bottom of the Funnel

Bottom of the funnel is the last stage in the buying process when your prospects are close to becoming new customers. Messages at this stage usually include a product offer, a product demo, a free consultation, etc. We tend to treat funnels a bit different though and reserve it for identifying your whales, tribe, etc.

Bounce Rate

Website bounce rate: The percentage of people who land on a page on your website and then leave without clicking on anything else or navigating to any other pages on your site. We typically like to see a healthy bounce-rate around 20%-30%. If you have one closer to 5% your “net” to catch traffic might be too narrow. For more information: Bounce rate – Analytics Help (google.com)

Email bounce rate, is a little different though, The rate at which an email was unable to be delivered to a recipient’s inbox. A high bounce rate generally means your lists are out-of-date or purchased, or they include many invalid email addresses. In email, not all bounces are bad, so it’s important to distinguish between hard and soft bounces before taking an email address off your list. For more information: What is Bounce Rate? How to Measure, Interpret, and Improve It – Mailchimp


Brand Awareness

Brand awareness is the extent to which people are able to remember and recognize your brand. Brand awareness encompasses more than its component parts, however. Brand awareness involves when customers can see your brand or product and have an innate feeling about it.

Brand Identity

A brand is the feeling or impression customers have about your business. How this feeling is generated, though, comes from a brand strategy. Let’s take a look into how buzz-worthy brands are built.

Brand Positioning

Brand positioning is the way you differentiate yourself from your competitors and how consumers identify and connect with your brand.

Defining your brand’s messaging and positioning means building a preferred customer journey that encompasses every customer touch point: the identity (logo), website, messaging, customer service, point of sale, signage, quality of product and service.

Business Blogging

Business blogging retains all the attributes of “regular” blogging, but adds a layer of marketing strategy on top. It helps drive traffic to your website, convert that traffic into leads, establish authority on certain topics, and drive long-term results instead of paying money on Google PPC.

Business-to-Business (B2B)

An adjective used to describe companies that sell to other businesses. For example, Microsoft and IBM are primarily B2B companies.

Business-to-Consumer (B2C)

An adjective used to describe companies that sell directly to consumers. For example, Walmart, Nokia, and Adidas are primarily B2C companies.

Buyer Persona

Buyer personas are semi-fictional representations of your ideal customers.

Buyer personas should include demographic, psychographic and behavioral information, and they tend to go more in-depth about the role and influence these people have within their companies, emphasizing their goals and motivations.

Buyer’s Journey

The buyer’s journey is the progression that a contact follows when researching and purchasing a product. It starts with the awareness stage, when buyers realize they have a problem, moves to the consideration stage, when they evaluate different solutions to that problem, and concludes with the decision stage, when they decide which contender best aligns with their needs and objectives and purchase it. motivations.

We prefer to create a funnel and then create content that fills that funnel and brings people through to the sales and follow up processes.


Call-to-Action (CTA)

A call-to-action is a text link, button, image, or some type of encouragement to take an ACTION on the website or landing page. Some examples of CTAs are “Subscribe Now” or “Download the Whitepaper Today.” We do our best to speak to the user’s pain point and how we can address that pain point with the product or service of the user.

Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL)

Stands for “Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation.” It’s a Canadian law passed in 2013 that covers the sending of “commercial electronic messages” that may be accessed by a computer in Canada. CASL covers email, texts, instant messages, and automated cell phone messages sent to computers and phones in Canada.


Canva is an easy-to-use design tool for non-designers and designers alike. The tool offers several templates that adhere to the required dimensions for sharable social images on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, and it’s what gives your entire website its colors, fonts, tones, etc. It’s closely tied to HTML and javascript and also what allows websites to adapt to different screen sizes and device types.


Chat can refer to any kind of communication over the internet but traditionally refers to one-to-one communication through a text-based chat application, commonly referred to as instant messaging (IM) applications.


Chatbots are one of the most common forms of conversational AI. A chatbot is an AI-powered software capable of simulating a human conversation with your target audience. You can implement chatbots on your website, within your mobile app, or through messaging apps such as Facebook Messenger. These can work pretty well in some cases and are easy to setup.


Churn Rate

This is the metric that comes in handy when you want to find out how many customers your business retains and at what value. To find out your churn rate, divide the number of customers you lose within a specific timeframe to the total number you had at the beginning of that period. Regardless of your monthly revenue, if your customers don’t stick around long enough for you to at least break even on your customer acquisition costs, you will be actively losing money.


Clickbait is a term to describe headlines or advertising material that employ a sensationalized headline to attract clicks. Typically, it is used with curiosity to help drive that interest and desire.

Clickthrough Rate (CTR)

The percentage of your audience that advances (or clicks through) from one part of your website to the next step of your marketing campaign. As a mathematic equation, it’s the total number of clicks that your page or CTA receives divided by the number of opportunities that people had to click (ex: number of pageviews, emails sent, and so on). Clickthrough rate (CTR): Definition – Google Ads Help

Close-Loop Marketing (CLM)

The practice of closed-loop marketing is executing, tracking and showing how your efforts have impacted the bottom-line. An example would be tracking a website visitor as they become a lead to the very last touch point when they close as a customer.

Cloud Computing

Is using host servers to store, manage, and transfer data. There are several types of clouds with different purpose and benefits.


A comment is a response that is often provided as an answer or reaction to a blog post or message on a social network.

Community Manager

The community manager is responsible for building and managing the online communications for a business in an effort to grow an online community.


The person who buys and uses a product or service; V. To consume. We feel this description is inappropriate for most use cases. People are typically citizens with the rights, responsibilities and privileges that is related to their area. We must see them as real people and not just entities that consume.


Content is typically referred to as a piece of information that exists for the purpose of being digested, engaged with, and shared. Usually blog, video, social media post, photo, slideshow, or podcast, although there are plenty of over types out there.

Content Curation

This is just a fancy phrase to indicate special care setting up your content to look right on each platform that it might be visible on. For example, you might want to use the same blog for Facebook and Instagram, but we recommend curating the content for each platform.

Content Management System (CMS)

A web framework, philosophy and programming design that makes it easy(er) to create, edit, and manage a website. Many system are technically considered CMS’s but systems like Drupal, WordPress and ExpressionEngine allow for the flexibility to be used on an enterprise level, while being just fine for small businesses. SquareSpace is technically a CMS but we don’t see it as such because of its limited use cases.

Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing (CAN-SPAM)

Stands for “Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing.” It’s a U.S. law passed in 2003 that establishes the rules for commercial email and commercial messages, it gives recipients the right to have a business stop emailing them, and outlines the penalties incurred for those who violate the law. For example, CAN-SPAM is the reason businesses are required to have an “unsubscribe” option at the bottom of every email along with an address and additional information. For more information: CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 – Wikipedia

Conversion Rate (CR)

The percentage rate gathering the online audiences that followed and completed the campaign action that you wanted. (e.g: signing up to your service or mailing list or buying your product). Cost Per Acquisition is a much better metric for understanding the bottom line of your marketing efforts.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

CRO is a bit of a jargon term. That being said, if your conversion rate is low, then it is time to see what could be hindering individuals from taking action on your website.


A cookie is a unique value stored on your browser (in the form of a small file cookie.txt) assigned by websites. The purpose of a cookie is to keep track of where the user is and help create customized web pages or save login info. Typically places like Facebook and Google will track those cookies already logged in your browser to see where you have been and how they can continue to market to you.

Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)

In advertising, CPA (short for ‘Cost Per Acquisition’ or ‘Cost Per Action’) measures the cost that it takes to get a conversion. We do our best to identify this as early as possible during Pay-Per-Click advertising campaigns.

Cost-per-Lead (CPL)

Similar to CPA, but this is just the cost of getting someone as a follower or email subscriber. It is an early

Cost Per Mile (CPM) / Cost Per Thousand (CPT)

When your ad loads and displays for a user, it counts as one impression. Cost Per Mille (CPM), also called Cost Per Thousand (CPT), is used for a thousand impressions on one website. It is similar to CPC (Cost Per Click) and CPA (Cost Per Action).

Creative Commons

Creative Commons is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to making it easier for people to share and build upon the work of others, consistent with the rules of copyright. It provides free licenses and other legal tools to mark creative work with the freedom the creator wants it to carry, so others can share, remix, use commercially, or any combination thereof.

Cross-Channel Analytics

Cross-channel analytics track the behavior of your prospects across multiple channels, such as your website, in social media, and on your blog.

Crowdsourced Content

Creating your own content can take more time than you might have expected, which is where crowdsourcing can be powerful. Allowing for subject experts, customers, or freelancers to create your content for you is an easy way to publish more regularly.


Crowdsourcing, like outsourcing, refers to the act of soliciting money, content, etc. from a group of people (or public), typically in an online setting.

Customer Acquisition

Customer acquisition refers to all of the steps, processes and resources involved in attracting a first-time customer to your business.

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Another way to say Cost Per Acquisition.

Customer Journey

The customer journey is a way of tracking a customer’s experience with your company from a visitor’s first interaction through when they convert, buy and advocate. The customer journey is not one-size-fits-all. We perform a marketing workshop with our clients to ensure each user profile has their own customer journey.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

The Customer lifetime value is the predicted net profit associated with the future relationship with that customer. To calculate CLV, you Divide (customer revenue minus gross margin) by your churn rate.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

A set of software programs that let companies keep track of everything they do with their existing and potential customers. Everything from email opens, analytics on the website via cookies, phone calls, etc.

Popular examples include HubSpot, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Salesforce, Zoho, and many more on the market. If you ever have questions, we would love to help you learn more about this. We’ve tested and used more than 40 CRMs and can guide on most decisions.


Data Visualization

This is the process of visually representing specific information to make it easier to understand. Dashboards and infographics are common examples of visualizations.

Demand Generation

Demand generation encompasses — you guessed it! — generating demand for your product or service. Note: This is a farce. Many young marketers believe this is the only type valuable marketing, but seasoned professionals will know that this cannot be achieved. If people are not ready for a product, service or idea yet – it will not fly. This is a bit more of a philosophical discussion in the long run, but that is where we tend to lean.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is a niche form of marketing that involves online platforms to generate brand awareness, sales, and a return on investment.

Direct Message (or DM)

Direct messages — also referred to as “DMs” — are private conversations that occur on many platforms.


DoubleClick is a subsidiary of Google which develops and provides Internet ad serving services. Its clients include agencies, marketers, and publishers who serve businesses such as Microsoft, General Motors, Coca-Cola, L’Oréal, Apple, Visa, Nike, Carlsberg, and many others. At the beginning of 2018, Google announced the merge of DoubleClick and Google Analytics 360 Suite into a new Google Marketing Platform and Google Ad Manager. For more information: DoubleClick – Wikipedia

Drip Marketing

Drip marketing is a form of lead nurturing via a series of emails, SMS or other platforms to help lead a person further down the sales funnel.

‘Drip Nurturing

See “Drip Marketing.”

Dynamic Content

Content that uses data and scripts to show a lead content that is relevant to them. For example, you could use Smart CTAs so that first-time visitors will see a personalized CTA and those already in your CRM or database see a different CTA



An ebook is an electronic version of a book. Most ebooks are not actually available in print and cost $7, especially if they are from unscrupulous parts of the internet.


In its most basic sense, email stands for “Electronic Mail.” It is, as of writing and continual updates, the most effective and cost-effective return on investment in terms of marketing dollars spent online.


Emojis are small cartoonish images that can be sent along with text in social media and private messages.


  1. The person, customer etc. who is the final and actual (or “real”) user of a product

Engagement Rate

A popular social media metric used to describe the amount of interaction — Likes, shares, comments — a piece of content receives. Interactions like these tell you that your messages are resonating with your fans and followers. This is a good metric for brand awareness but not for tracking your CPA.

Event Tracking

If you want to track beyond revenue and conversion metrics, keep an eye on Event Tracking. This is a method for analytics and social (e.g. using Facebook’s pixel or goals in Google Analytics) that helps you track your customers’ journey every step of the way by analyzing certain behaviors on your website.

Evergreen Content

Typically, a piece of evergreen content is timeless, valuable, high quality, and canonical or definitive. These posts are typically a very good for SEO and this dictionary is an example of that.



Fans is the term used to describe people who like your Facebook Page

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

FTP or File Transfer Protocol is a network protocol standardized to make transferring of computer files between a client and a server easier.


Short for “fake insta” this term describes one’s secret or fake Instagram page that’s hidden from their employers.

First-Time Visitor

A lead that has decided to start a relationship with you by trying your product or service for the first time.

Flash Mob

A flash mob is a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and pointless act for a brief time, then quickly disperse. These were pretty popular in general marketing because it felt like a good bridge between traditional and digital media.


Flickr is a social network for online picture sharing. The service allows users to store photos online and then share them with others through profiles, groups, sets, and other methods.


In a social media setting, a follower refers to a person who subscribes to your account in order to receive your updates.

For You Page (#FYP)

#FYP is a hashtag that TikTok users place in their videos to prioritize their content on other users’ “Your Page” feed. This feed algorithmically sends users content from people you follow or related to hashtags you might be interested in.


The place your page visitors will supply information in exchange for your offer. The more fields there are, the less likely someone is to finish the form.


Also known as a message board or bulletin board, a forum is an online discussion site. It originated as the modern equivalent of a traditional bulletin board.


Friends is the term used on Facebook to represent the connections you make and the people you follow. These are individuals you consider to be friendly enough with you to see your Facebook profile and engage with you.


Geo Targeting

Geo Targeting is an effective way for increasing conversions when your offer is relevant to a specific geographic area.


A geotag is the directional coordinates that can be attached to a piece of content online. For example, Instagram users often use geotagging to highlight the location in which their photo was taken.

Graphics Interchange Format (GIF)

GIF is an acronym for Graphics Interchange Format. In social media, GIFs serve as small-scale animations and film clips. These have gone in and out of style but we tend to enjoy them 😊

Google AdWords

Google AdWords is an online advertising service made by Google where customers can create and manage ads within the Google universe (on Google Search, Display, YouTube, etc.). Its pretty powerful and easy to drop thousands of dollars on.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic, currently as a platform inside the Google Marketing Platform brand. Google launched the service in November 2005. Google Analytics – Wikipedia



Handle is the term used to describe someone’s @username on multiple platforms.

Hard Bounce

In email marketing, hard bounces are simply emails that were not delivered. This can happen for different reasons: the recipient email address could be wrong or inactive, the recipient might have blocked you or reported your emails as spam etc.


Hashtags, also known as the “pound” symbol, are a way for you and your readers to interact with each other on social media and have conversations. This feature exists in many platforms and helps to inject your content into a conversation or location based on the hashtag itself.

Header image

A header image refers to the large photo displayed at the top of your profile on a website or social media cover.


Houseparty is an app that Gen Z has notably used to connect with friends over video calls.

HyperText Markup Language (HTML)

“Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. It can be assisted by technologies such as Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and scripting languages such as JavaScript. “ – Wikipedia

It is basically what makes the internet go around and is the code behind the visual you are currently seeing on this webpage. It has changed over the years while browsers and even email clients have changed the way they support and present HTML as a whole.



IGTV is where verified businesses and accounts can host long-form videos or place longer live streams on Instagram for users to watch. It has a lot of similarities to Facebook Live but has seen a bit more traction.

Immersive Technology

Immersive technology attempts to merge physical and digital media together, like Augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR). some brands are using immersive technology in marketing to engage audiences, provide product training, virtual tours, and gamify the customer experience (CX). To see some cool stuff, check out Microsoft HoloLens | Mixed Reality Technology for Business.


Each platform tracks the analytic of an “impression” a little differently. Even Google Analytics, Ads, and Search Console define it differently. Typically, we see an impression as “how often your ad is shown.” For brand awareness, there are a lot of good reasons to measure via impressions, but we push to keep an eye on frequency which measures how many impressions per unique user. If frequency goes too high, Ad Burnout can occur.

Inbound Link

Inbound links, also known as backlinks, occur when another website links back to your site. Google views inbound links as an indicator that your site has high-quality content, making these links one of the most important elements in search engine optimization (SEO).

Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing refers to marketing activities that draw visitors  and search traffic into your website or online platform By aligning the content you publish with your customer’s interests pain points in mind, you can naturally attract, convert, close, and delight over time. The easiest way to start it is to just blog 😊


A highly visual piece of content that is very popular among digital marketers as a way of relaying complex concepts in a simple and visual way while offering large amounts of value.


Many social media networks, like Facebook or Instagram, offer an “insights” tab or section to help business owners understand the analytics and statistics they need to make adjustments that maximize traffic.

Instagram Live

Instagram Live is the platform where individuals and businesses on Instagram can share a live feed of what’s going on in their lives.

Instant Messaging

Instant messaging (IM) is a form of real-time, direct text-based communication between two or more people. More advanced instant messaging software clients also allow enhanced modes of communication, such as live voice or video calling.

Interactive Content

Interactive content is the type of online content that engages audiences in a certain activity. In return, participants get real-type and relevant results. Think of a survey tool or an interactive infographic that captures your attention right from the start.

Internet of Things (IoT) In Marketing

Internet of Things (IoT) is an ecosystem of interconnected devices such as wearable technology, connected cars, smart home appliances, and so on that can transmit data through the internet without requiring any human intervention. IoT in marketing presents an array of opportunities to enable marketers to connect with their target audience through community building, personalization, and audience engagement.

Interruption-Based Marketing

A traditional type of marketing in which audiences are interrupted with messages to purchase a product or a service. Interruption-based marketing is unsolicited and optimized for immediate conversions.

Intellectual Property (IP)

Copyrighted material or ideas that can make you liable for inappropriate usage in advertising and marketing. We do our best to try to stay aware of and away of these types of issues as a company, but there are royalties and licensing that many businesses need to be aware of as they try to market their business with music, images, or videos that are considered the IP of another entity.




JavaScript is a programming language that lets web developers design interactive sites. Most of the dynamic and object movement you will see on a web page is JavaScript moving HTML and CSS elements.


Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

A super fancy jargon phrase that just means, really really really important metric. I liken these to your “pulse.” Every doctors office I’ve been in, I get my pulse checked by the little finger clippie thingy, the arm bag they puff up, the nurse checking my wrist, and then the doctor checking my wrist.  Nothing else matters except for the KPI or “pulse” of your organizations body.

A KPI is a type of performance measurement used to demonstrate how effectively a project, company, or employee is achieving key business objectives. Common KPIs are cost reduction, revenue improvement, or increased customer satisfaction.


Sometimes referred to as “keyword phrases,” keywords are the topics that webpages get indexed for in search results by engines like Google, Yahoo (lol), and Bing.

Picking keywords that you’ll optimize a webpage for is a two-part effort. First, you’ll want to ensure the keyword has significant search volume and is not too difficult to rank for. Then, you’ll want to ensure it aligns with your target audience

Keyword Research

Keyword research is the process of identifying the search terms that your prospective site visitors are looking for online. It is critical to ensuring your content can be found on search engine results pages.


Landing Page

A landing page is a webpage optimized for lead generation. Using a form, companies can leverage meaningful content in exchange for visitor information. Successful landing pages have well-defined content and clear conversion paths.

A smart inbound marketer will create landing pages that appeal to different personae (plural for persona) at various stages of the buying process. It can be a lot of work, but it’s the right way to go about things.

Landmark Emails

Landmark emails are the messages that celebrate customer landmarks like birthdays, major milestones, or anniversaries as a customer.


Usually come in a cold or hot variety, a person is interested in a product or service.

Lead Generation

In marketing and sales, lead generation is the process of attracting and converting new potential customers in order to drive future sales.

Lifecycle (Customer Lifecycle)

These are stages used to define the relationship that you have with your potential or existing customers. Common lifecycle stages are Awareness, Evaluation, Purchase, and Retention.

Lifetime Value (LTV)

LTV is a useful metric that helps you find out what customer groups are valuable to your business and what total worth they bring during their lifetime. Differently said, it shows the total revenue your business can expect from every single customer.


A Like is an action that can be made by a Facebook or Instagram user. Instead of writing a comment or sharing a post, a user can click the Like button as a quick way to show approval. This does not guarantee they will see content organically unless they follow but even then there could be reasons to boost a post to your audience.

Link Building

Link building is an aspect of search engine optimization in which website owners develop strategies to earn links to their site from other websites with the hopes of improving their search engine ranking. Blogging has emerged as a popular method of link building.

Live streaming

Live streaming is the act of delivering content over the internet in real-time.

Long-Tail Keywords

A long-tail keyword is a very targeted search phrase that contains three or more words. It often contains a head term, which is a more generic search term, plus one or two additional words that refine the search term.

Lookalike Audience

A lookalike audience is a type of custom audience used in social media targeting – popularized by Facebook. It helps you target audiences with similar characteristics to existing ones. Here’s an example: let’s say you have many people visiting your website. With a Lookalike Audience, you could easily advertise to people similar to your visitors. There can be some data privacy issues with this method but there are ways to obscure data to keep your privacy promises to your customers.

Loyalty Offers

Loyalty offers are the exclusive gifts or genuine thank-yous given to loyal customers.


A lurker online is a person who reads discussions on a message board, newsgroup, social network, or other interactive system, but rarely or never participates in the discussion.




Marketing Automation

While there’s some overlap with the term “lead nurturing,” marketing automation is a bit different. Think of marketing automation as the platform with associated tools and analytics to develop a lead nurturing strategy.

Marketing (Martech) Stack

Martech stack (also known as marketing stack) is a suite of applications an organization uses to manage its marketing activities. Organizations can either choose different vendors for various requirements to build a customized stack or choose a software platform that can provide a consolidated set of tools under one umbrella.


A content mashup contains multiple types of media drawn from pre-existing sources to create a new work. Digital mashups allow individuals or businesses to create new pieces of content by combining multiple online content sources.


A meme on the internet is used to describe a thought, idea, joke, or concept that’s widely shared online. It is typically an image with text above and below it, but can also come in video and link form.

Meta Description

A text summary of what can be found on your webpage. There are several ways to optimize your meta descriptions for SEO purposes, since these descriptions show up in search results along with the links to the pages.


Google defines a micro-moment as an intent-rich moment when a person turns to a device to act on a need to- know, go, do, or buy. The rise of smartphone usage and voice search has made it easy for customers to make a decision on the go. In micro-moments, the user is most likely to connect with the brand that delivers what they’re looking for. Here are the four key micro-moments:

  1. I want to know
  2. I want to go
  3. I want to do
  4. I want to buy

Minimum viable product (MVP)

A minimum viable product (MVP) is an offering that has enough features to initially satisfy your target market. Especially with new startups we like to see a Business Model Canvas and sales of an MVP item, but we can help drive towards that part to maximize a product offering.


Mobile Optimization

Mobile optimization means designing and formatting your website so that it’s easy to read and navigate from a mobile device. This can be done by either creating a separate mobile website or incorporating responsive design in initial site layout. Google’s algorithm now rewards mobile-friendly websites, so if your site isn’t fully optimized for mobile devices, you will likely see a hit to your ranking on mobile searches

Multi-Channel Marketing Automation

To truly be relevant, lead nurturing and email campaigns need to take into account buyers’ experiences across multiple channels and platforms, such as interactions on social media


Native Advertising

  1. Native advertising is a popular type of social media advertising where an ad follows the form, function, and feel of the content of the media where it’s placed. Native ads are currently considered more effective in terms of engagement, as they enable marketers to target audiences with content that closely matches their experience.
  2. Native content refers to a type of online advertising in which the ad copy and format adheres to the format of a regular post on the network it’s being published on. The purpose is to make ads feel less like ads, and more like part of the conversation.
  3. A type of online advertising that takes on the form and function of the platform it appears on. Its purpose is to make ads feel less like ads, and more like part of the conversation. That means it’s usually a piece of sponsored content that’s relative to the consumer experience, isn’t interruptive, and looks and feels similar to its editorial environment.

Native advertising can come in many forms, whether it’s radio announcers talking favorably about a product sponsoring the show, or an article about a product or company showing up in your news source

News Feed

  1. A news feed is an online feed full of news sources. On Facebook, the News Feed is the homepage of users’ accounts where they can see all the latest updates from their friends. The news feed on Twitter is called Timeline.
  2. A news feed is literally a feed full of news. On Facebook, the News Feed is the homepage of users’ accounts where they can see all the latest updates from their friends. The news feed on Twitter is called Timeline.


Newsjacking refers to the practice of capitalizing on the popularity of a news story to amplify your sales and marketing success.

No-Follow Link

A no-follow link is used when a website does not want to pass search engine authority to another webpage. It tells search engine crawlers not to follow or pass credit to linked websites as a way to avoid association with spammy content or inadvertently violating webmaster guidelines. To varying degrees, the no-follow attribute is recognized by all major search engines, like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Not all links (and linking domains) are created equal, and a no-follow attribute helps avoid any foul play.


Off-Page Optimization

This is the free-spirited cousin of on-page optimization. Off-page SEO refers to incoming links and other outside factors that impact how a webpage is indexed in search results. Factors like linking domains and even social media play a role in off-page optimization. The good news is that it’s powerful; the not so good news is that it’s mostly out of an inbound marketer’s control. The solution? Create useful, remarkable content and chances are people will share and link to it.


Offers are content assets that live behind a form on a landing page. Their primary purpose is to help marketers generate leads for your business. There are many different types of offers you could create, including ebooks, checklists, cheat sheets, webinars, demos, templates, and tools. (If you need help putting together some high-quality offers your buyer personas will love, take some time to read over this post.)

Omnichannel Marketing

  1. Omnichannel marketing is a hybrid of cross-channel and multi-channel marketing strategized from the buyer’s perspective. While the above two approaches strive to communicate the same message to users across campaigns, channels, and devices, omnichannel marketing provides a cohesive experience at various touchpoints during the buyer’s journey. An example could be an e-commerce store sending you a reminder email and initiating a remarketing campaign to nudge you to buy the products in your cart or wish list on the app.
  2. Omnichannel Marketing is a cross-channel marketing strategy that focuses on delivering unified experiences – regardless of the touchpoints or devices your customers are using.

On-Page Optimization

This type of SEO is based solely on a webpage and the various elements within the HTML (see “H” if you skipped here directly). Ensuring that key pieces of the specific page (content, title tag, URL, and image tags) include the desired keyword will help a page rank for that particular phrase.

Open Rate

Open rate is used in relation to email marketing. Simply put, it’s the value that shows you many recipients have opened your email. Open Rate should not be confused with Total Opens. The latter shows you many times your email has been opened by everyone. This can be done by the same users who have chosen to open your email multiple times.


Page View

  1. Page Views represent all the visitors of your website. Each reload of the webpage by the same visitor counts as a new page view.
  2. A request to load a single web page on the internet. Marketers use them to analyze their website and to see if any change on the webpage results in more or fewer page views.

Paid Search

Paid search is the practice of displaying ads on search engines based on the terms, or keywords, individuals search for. Paid search works on a pay-per-click basis, meaning you only pay when someone clicks your ad for a given keyword.

Pay-Per Click (PPC)

  1. PPC, (or Pay-Per-Click) is an advertising technique in which an advertiser puts an ad in an advertising venue (like Google AdWords or Facebook), and pays that venue each time a visitor clicks on the ad. I couldn’t think of anything witty to place at the end of this definition, so let’s move on to “Q.”
  2. PPC is an acronym for pay per click. Pay per click is an online advertising model in which advertisers display ads on various websites or search engines and pay when a visitor clicks through. Bid-based PPC involves an auction in which advertisers compete with other advertisers by setting the max bid — or highest amount they’re willing to pay — for each click. Each time a visitor triggers the ad spot, the auction process pans out to select which ad will be displayed.
  3. The amount of money spent to get a digital advertisement clicked. Also an internet advertising model where advertisers pay a publisher (usually a search engine, social media site, or website owner) a certain amount of money every time their ad is clicked. For search engines, PPC ads display an advertisement when someone searches for a keyword that matches the advertiser’s keyword list, which they submit to the search engine ahead of time.

PPC ads are used to direct traffic to the advertiser’s website, and PPC is used to assess the cost effectiveness and profitability of your paid advertising campaigns.

There are two ways to pay for PPC ads:

  • Flat rate: where the advertiser and publisher agree on a fixed amount that will be paid for each click. Typically this happens when publishers have a fixed rate for PPC in different areas on their website.
  • Bid-based: where the advertiser competes against other advertisers in an advertising network. In this case, each advertiser sets a maximum spend to pay for a given ad spot, so the ad will stop appearing on a given website once that amount of money is spent. It also means that the more people that click on your ad, the lower PPC you’ll pay and vice versa.


A permalink is an address or URL of a particular post within a blog or website that remains indefinitely unchanged.

Permission-Based Marketing

This type of marketing asks for permission from its audience and seeks to be educational. Permission can come in the form of opting in to receive a newsletter, subscribing to a blog, or following a company in social media.


A semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer based on market research and real data about your existing customers. While it helps marketers like you define their target audience, it can also help sales reps qualify leads.


  1. Personalization is a widely used marketing technique to customize CX through content, offers, discounts, etc. depending on individual preferences. The success of personalization lies in your segmentation criteria and the way you utilize the AI-based features to customize and automate various marketing processes such as drip email or customer retention campaigns.
  2. In the context of marketing, personalization is a popular practice that enables you to tailor user experiences by delivering personalized content to specific users based on behavior and context. This technology typically uses advanced machine learning and automation processes.
  3. The same way some shopping sites recommend related items you might like based on things you’ve recently purchased, personalization in marketing is about showing visitors relevant content that’s tailored to the experience they’ve already had with your website.

It’s the concept of not showing the same message to a brand-new visitor to your site that you would to a customer who’s been to your site multiple times. That doesn’t make much sense, does it? But if you want more reasons to personalize your marketing, we’ve got 22 for you right here.


Pinterest is a visual social network typically used by ecommerce marketers, but not without its fair share of top-notch B2B and B2C content marketers. Businesses and consumers alike use the website to post images and photos they like so fellow users can repin (share) that content.

Not every company has taken advantage of this site yet. If you’re one of them, we advise you check out this free guide to Pinterest for business.)


A podcast is a series of digital media files, usually audio, that are released episodically and often downloaded through an RSS feed.

For example, a business that sells three versions of the same product — and 10 potential features across this product — could create a product matrix with three columns and 10 rows. In each cell where a column and row intersect, the business can include a symbol or checkmark indicating that this feature is included in this version of the product.

Point Of Sale

  1. the place where a product is actually sold to the public – point-of-sale adj.

Position 0

Position Zero is used in search engine optimization to describe the featured (and desired) snippet of text that shows up in search right before the search results.


Product-Market Fit

When your product fulfills a market’s needs, you achieve product-market fit. Product-market fit occurs at the intersection of the introduction and growth stages of the product lifecycle.

In order to obtain product-market fit, you first need to create a minimum viable product (MVP).


Product Marketing

Product marketing is the process of bringing a specific product to market and ensuring that that product is successful.

As a product marketer, your job entails guiding a product’s internal strategy. It is your duty to enable all of the marketing activities surrounding the product within your organization.


Social proof refers to a psychological phenomenon in which people seek direction from those around them to determine how they are supposed to act or think in a given situation. In social media, social proof can be identified by the number of interactions a piece of content receives or the number of followers you have. The thought is that if others are sharing something or following someone, it must be good.


Qualified Lead

  1. There are many definitions for this one, but at Pullman Marketing, we define this as someone that is likely to purchase and has entered the sales funnel. We can do broader, but we prefer to ensure that an individual is legitimately interested and not just a tire kicker.

Quick Response Code (QR Code)

  1. A QR Code or Quick Response Code is a scannable barcode used to encode data such as text or an URL.
  2. A QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response code) is a specific matrix barcode (or two-dimensional code) that is readable by dedicated QR barcode readers and camera telephones. The code consists of black modules arranged in a square pattern on a white background. The information encoded may be text, URL, or other data. It also starts with “Q,” which is a rarity with marketing-related terms.


Real-Time Search

Real-time search is the method of indexing content being published online into search engine results with virtually no delay.

Referral Marketing

Referral marketing is the process of promoting products or services to new customers through referrals or recommendations. Compared to traditional online advertising, it’s usually done through word of mouth.


Remarketing is an effective way to reconnect with your website visitors who haven’t achieved a desired action like signing up for a service or buying a product. It enables marketers to target them with new ads that will make them more likely to convert .

Responsive Design

  1. Responsive design refers to the way a website automatically adjusts to the screen size you’re viewing it from. This will ensure that no matter what device your visitor is using, whether it’s their computer, their phone or their tablet, your website will always look great
  2. This is the practice of developing a website that adapts accordingly to how someone is viewing it. Instead of building a separate, distinct website for each specific device it could be viewed on, the site recognizes the device that your visitor is using and automatically generates a page that is responsive to the device the content is being viewed on — making websites always appear optimized for screens of any dimension


Retargeting is an online marketing and advertising technique that allows marketers to display ads to people who have visited their website or are part of their contacts database. For more on how a retargeting campaign works

Return On Investment (ROI)

  1. When you put your money and effort into something, you probably want to know what results it’s driving. ROI measures the performance and the efficiency of your investment compared with other investments. ROI is calculated by dividing total revenue by the total cost of investments. In digital marketing, ROI is often substituted for ROAS.
  2. A performance measure used to evaluate the efficiency and profitability of an investment, or to compare the efficiency and profitability of multiple investments. The formula for ROI is: (Gain from Investment minus Cost of Investment), all divided by (Cost of Investment). The result is expressed as a percentage or ratio. If ROI is negative, then that initiative is losing the company money. The calculation can vary depending on what you input for gains and costs.

Today, marketers want to measure the ROI on every tactic and channel they use. Many facets of marketing have pretty straightforward ROI calculations (like PPC), but others are more difficult (like content marketing).


  1. A retweet is when someone on Twitter sees your message and decides to re-share it with his or her followers. A retweet button allows them to quickly resend the message with attribution to the original sharer’s name.
  2. A re-posting of a tweet posted by another user on Twitter. Retweets look like normal tweets except for the retweet icon. They can be done in three ways:

1) You can retweet an entire tweet by clicking the retweet button, indicated below.

2) You can post a new tweet that includes your own commentary. In a new tweet, which also features the original tweet. It means you’ve pressed the rotating arrow icon to retweet a post, and then added a comment in the text box provided. We prefer this method of retweeting because it allows you to add your own thoughts. (Note: The retweet takes up 24 characters, leaving you with 116 characters for the comment.)

3) You can post a new tweet that includes your own commentary in addition to the information you’re retweeting. The formula is this: Your own commentary + RT + the original tweeter’s Twitter handle + colon + the exact text from their original tweet. This method of retweeting allows you to add your own thoughts, but with a very limited character count.

When you see “Please RT” in someone’s tweet, it means they are requesting that their followers retweet that tweet to spread awareness

Revenue Per Click (RPC)

You can calculate your RPC like this: Goal Value x Conversion Rate. Voilà, now you know whether your ad (or keyword) is profitable or not!

Rich Site Summary (RSS)

RSS feeds make keeping up with the latest industry trends easy as pie. RSS stands for “rich site summary,” though others note it can also stand for “really simple syndication.” Most websites and blogs have RSS feeds that you can subscribe to and have the latest published updates to those sites delivered right to you in an RSS reader of your choice.

Allowing customers and prospects to subscribe to content via an RSS feed is something marketers should consider when building a site or a blog. Want to subscribe to your favorite blogs now? Here are some RSS readers we recommend using to keep all your RSS feeds in one place.

Rich Site Summary (RSS) Feed

RSS is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated content such as blogs and videos in a standardized format. Content publishers can syndicate a feed, which allows users to subscribe to the content and read it when they please from a location other than the website (such as Feedly or other RSS readers).

Rich Site Summary (RSS) Reader

An RSS reader allows users to aggregate articles from multiple websites into one place using RSS feeds. The purpose of these aggregators is to allow for a faster and more efficient information consumption.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a technology that uses AI/ML to configure software that can imitate human behavior to automate business processes at scale. Software robots are helping marketing revolutionize by automating several functions of marketing operations, customer service, and customer experience (CX).


Search Engine Advertising (SEA)

Are you longing for that top result in most search engines? You can improve your SEO by paying for it. SEA means that you are buying the top spots in a search engine’s result page. However, your link will have the little “Ad” button or other indication that it is a paid link.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Have you noticed the little yellow boxes that say “ad” next to the top links in a search query? That’s search engine marketing! Because most users select the first options that are shown in search results, businesses pay to get their website linked at the top hoping that people will click their link. This is done through AdWords for Google search results. Other search engines (Bing, Yahoo, etc.) have similar tools.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  1. Search engine optimization is the process of improving the volume or quality of unpaid traffic to a website from search engines.
  2. The practice of enhancing where a webpage appears in search results. By adjusting a webpage’s on-page SEO elements and influencing off-page SEO factors, an inbound marketer can improve where a webpage appears in search engine results.

There are a ton of components to improving the SEO of your site pages. Search engines look for elements including title tags, keywords, image tags, internal link structure, and inbound links — and that’s just to name a few. Search engines also look at site structure and design, visitor behavior, and other external, off-site factors to determine how highly ranked your site should be in the search engine results pages.


Segmentation refers to the process of separating your target audience into personas with different needs and preferences. These segments will ideally be marketed to in a way that reflects their specific experiences or interests.


A selfie is a self-portrait that is typically taken using the reverse camera screen on a smartphone or by using a selfie stick (a pole that attaches to your camera). Selfies are commonly shared on social media networks like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook using the hashtag #selfie.

Sender Score

An email marketing term that refers to a reputation rating from 0-100 for every outgoing mail server IP address. Mail servers will check your Sender Score before deciding what to do with your emails. A score of over 90 is good.

Service Level Agreement (SLA)

For marketers, an SLA is an agreement between a company’s sales and marketing teams that defines the expectations Sales has for Marketing and vice versa. The Marketing SLA defines expectations Sales has for Marketing with regards to lead quantity and lead quality, while the Sales SLA defines the expectations Marketing has for Sales on how deeply and frequently Sales will pursue each qualified lead.

SLAs exist to align sales and marketing. If the two departments are managed as separate silos, the system fails. For companies to achieve growth and become leaders in their industries, it is critical that these two groups be properly integrated.

Shoppable Posts

If you’re an Ecommerce business and using Instagram, you’ll love Shoppable Posts. They enable you to turn your account into visual stores with the help of product tags. You can add them to your images and link them to your webshop.

Shopping Cart Fetchback/Abandoned Shopping Cart

When someone places an item in their online shopping cart but doesn’t complete his or her purchase, marketers call this an abandoned shopping cart. Abandonment can be reduced through a targeted lead nurturing campaign.

Site Catalyst

Formerly known as Omniture, Site Catalyst is an analytical tool that has been part of the Adobe platform since 2009. It allows marketers to measure and analyze data from multiple marketing channels.

Small-to-Medium Business (SMB)

Usually defined as companies that have between 10 and 500 employees.

Smart Content

Smart content (or dynamic content) is personalized content that is delivered to users according to their viewing preferences. Smart content, as opposed to static content, is tailored according to the demographic, behavioral, and contextual information of the visitor.

Snap Map

The Snap Map is a feature of Snapchat that allows you to see where your friends are as well as hot spots where people are publicly posting stories.


A social app that allows users to send and receive time-sensitive photos and videos known as “snaps,” which are hidden from the recipients once the time limit expires. (Note: Images and videos still remain on the Snapchat server). Users can add text and drawings to their snaps and control the list of recipients in which they send them to.

A Snapchat story is a string of Snapchats that lasts for 24 hours. Users can create stories to be shared with all Snapchatters or just a customized group of recipients

Social Commerce

Social commerce relies on social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest to facilitate the sales of products and services. The user doesn’t have to leave the social media site they’re currently on to complete the purchase. They can buy the product within the app or through a native chatbot.

Social Media

Social media is media designed to be disseminated through social interaction, created using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and Google+ are examples of social media networks that one can join for personal or business use. Social Media is a core component of Inbound, as it provides marketers with additional channels to spread reach, increase growth, and reach business goals.

Social Media Monitoring

Social media monitoring is a process of monitoring and responding to mentions related to a business that occur in social media.

Social Proof

Social proof refers to a psychological phenomenon in which people seek direction from those around them to determine how they are supposed to act or think in a given situation. It’s like when you see a really long line outside a nightclub and assume that club is really good because it’s in such high demand. In social media, social proof can be identified by the number of interactions a piece of content receives or the number of followers you have. The idea is that if others are sharing something or following someone, it must be good.

Social Selling

Social selling is a sales concept in which representatives leverage the power of social communication to engage with prospects by answering their questions, providing helpful content, clarifying information, etc.

Soft Bounce

A Soft Bounce is a term used in email marketing to notify a sender that their email was delivered to the recipient(s), but ‘soft bounced’ back. Common reasons are a full inbox, a heavy email. or an email server that is temporarily down.

Software-As-A-Service (SaaS)

  1. “SaaS” means “software as a service.” So, if you’re using any software that’s hosted by another company and they store your information in the cloud, you’re using a SaaS product.
  2. Google, Dropbox, Salesforce, MailChimp, Shopify – what do they have in common? They are all providing systems as a service. That means that they provide a third-party software solution that hosts a platform for the application and software and makes them readily available to their clients. It is beneficial for companies in the sense that they don’t have to invest in new hardware and software, they can use a third-party solution by paying a subscription fee.


A Snapchat, Facebook, or Instagram story is a string of videos or images that lasts for 24 hours. Users can create stories to be shared publicly or just a customized group of recipients.



Tagging is a social media functionality commonly used on Facebook and Instagram that allows users to create a link back to the profile of the person shown in the picture or targeted by the update.

Tech Stack (Software Stack)

A tech stack, also called a software stack, is the set of technology and software an organization uses to run their business. For most businesses, that probably involves having a CMS, CRM software, sales acceleration tool, marketing automation platform and project management program.

It also includes any integrations and servers you need to operate the platforms in tandem.

Thank You Page

After submitting information on a landing page, customers are immediately redirected to a thank you page that thanks them for their submission and provides them with potential next steps. Thank you pages are important in your lead nurturing strategy because they deliver the offers individuals are seeking and they can position other relevant content as a next logical step.


A series of comments or discussion posts on a post or in a subreddit.

Trending Topic

Trending topics refer to the most talked about topics and hashtags on a social media network. These commonly appear on networks like Twitter and Facebook and serve as clickable links in which users can either click through to join the conversation or simply browse the related content.


A troll or internet troll refers to a person who is known for creating controversy in an online setting. They typically hang out in forums, comment sections, and chat rooms with the intent of disrupting the conversation on a piece of content by providing commentary that aims to evoke a reaction.


For the sake of creativity, I’ll define Twitter in 140 characters or less: “Twitter is a platform that allows users to share 140-character long messages publicly. User can follow one another and be followed back.” There you have it — a tweetable definition of Twitter.



Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

  1. This is short for Uniform Resource Locator. I honestly didn’t know that before writing this definition. Basically, this is the address of a piece of information that can be found on the web such as a page, image, or document (ex. http://www.huspot.com). URLs are important for on-page SEO, as search engines scour the included text when mining for keywords. If a keyword you’re looking to get indexed for is in the URL, you’ll get brownie points from search engines (but no real brownies, unfortunately).
  2. URLs are what we use in the address bar of our browser to tell our browser where to get the information we want (like a specific website). URLsmost commonly appear in the form of HTTP or HTTPS protocols, for example, ‘https://accutics.com/’

Unique Visitor (UV)

  1. A person who visits a website more than once within a period of time. Marketers use this term in contrast with overall site visits to track the amount of traffic on their website. If only one person visits a webpage 30 times, then that web page has one UV and 30 total site visits.
  2. Unique Visitor stands for a visitor that returns to your website repeatedly in a set period. Contrary to Page View, UV is tied to one visitor, so even if they visit a website ten times (which results in ten page views), the UV still counts as one.

User Experience (UX)

  1. The overall experience a customer has with a particular business, from their discovery and awareness of the brand all the way through their interaction, purchase, use, and even advocacy of that brand. To deliver an excellent customer experience, you have to think like a customer, or better, think about being the customer.
  2. UX is short for “user experience,” and when someone refers to UX, they’re talking about the experience your customer will have when they interact with your service or product.

As a marketer, you should know that only 55% of companies are currently conducting any online user experience testing. But making sure your product has the best user experience possible can potentially make a difference for a prospect evaluating your product.

It’s a term product managers think about every day, but it’s an important concept for marketers to understand.

User-Generated Content (UGC)

User-generated content is content — blogs, videos, photos, quotes, etc. — that is created by consumers. Marketers typically tap into their audience in an online setting to collect this type of content to support a campaign or initiative.

User Interface (UI)

A type of interface that allows users to control a software application or hardware device. A good user interface provides a user-friendly experience by allowing the user to interact with the software or hardware in an intuitive way. It includes a menu bar, toolbar, windows, buttons, and so on


A utm_id is a classification campaign code used for Google Analytics. Classifications make the lives of marketers easier, as it enables them to track their campaign URLs in their analytics platforms.

UTM Parameters

UTM parameters are simply tags that you add to a URL. When someone clicks on a URL with UTM parameters, those tags are sent back to your Google Analytics for tracking purposes. The most common parameters are medium, source, campaign, term, content. However, parameters are versatile and can be customized according to what you want to track. The biggest disadvantage of UTM parameters is the sensitivity towards an ununified system of definition (aka marketers using their own terms, lower- and upper-case letters, special symbols etc.) that might cause data fragmentation.

uWu Girl

An internet slang term that describes a section of the internet interested in niche-fringe part of gamer culture and not generally a good lead source for indie game creators. At times it feels much more meme-y and unrelated.



Viral is a term used to describe an instance in which a piece of content — YouTube video, blog article, photo, etc. — achieves noteworthy awareness. Viral distribution relies heavily on word of mouth and the frequent sharing of one particular piece of content all over the internet.

Viral Content

This term is used to describe a piece of content that has become wildly popular across the web through sharing. Often people try to formulate it with internet trends to make it popular. Usually though people don’t know it will be viral until it actually goes viral.


Vlogging or a vlog is a piece of content that employs video to tell a story or report on information. Vlogs are common on video sharing networks like YouTube.

Voice Search

Voice search is an increasingly popular technology that allows users to search the web, a website or an app using a voice command. We began to see movements towards this trend with Windows Vista and into some Linux desktop environments.



A webinar is an online seminar or presentation that is hosted by an individual or a company. Traditionally Citrix or GoToMeeting has been used but Zoom has been becoming more popular. Most often, the host requires attendees to fill out a form before granting them access to stream the audio and slides


A website is a set of interconnected webpages, usually including a homepage, generally located on the same server, and prepared and maintained as a collection of information by a person, group, or organization.

Typically created in HTML with CSS or an additional server engine. Some dynamic builders exist like Wix, Squarespace and Web Flow. We typically like WordPress for its CMS capabilities to build out amazing experiences.

Word-of-Mouth (WOM)

The passing of information from person to person. Technically, the term refers to oral communication, but today it refers to online communication, as well. WOM marketing is inexpensive, but it takes work and involves leveraging many components of inbound marketing like product marketing, content marketing, and social media marketing.

Word-Of Mouth Marketing (WOMM)

Word-of-mouth marketing (WOM) is the oral or written advocacy of a good or service from a satisfied customer (or evangelist) to a prospective customer. It’s widely considered to be the most effective form of promotion


A workflow is another way to describe a lead nurturing campaign. It’s a set of triggers and events that move a lead through the nurturing process. Very similar to Marketing Automation or a way to describe marketing automation. Regardless of how you use it, workflows can be a very powerful asset in an inbound marketing strategy.


XML Sitemap

An XML sitemap is a file of code that lives on your web server and lists all of the relevant URLs that are in the structure of your website. It’s a map for Search Engines to know what content is available without it having to crawl and find every single page on its own energy.

Sitemaps don’t guarantee all links will be crawled, and being crawled does not guarantee indexing. However, a submitted sitemap is one of the best ways for getting a search engine like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.



YouTube is the #2 search engine on the internet. Surprised? Its where we all find out how we want to replace our breaks… and then realize we don’t have the tools or desire to replace our car brakes 😊

Ultimately, it is a video-sharing website on which users can upload, share, and view videos. Three former PayPal employees created YouTube in February 2005. In November 2006, YouTube, LLC was bought by Google Inc. for $1.65 billion, and is now operated as a subsidiary of Google.



Zapier is a software that leverages “zaps” to connect apps and provides users with a way to automate tasks. Zaps are automations that contain both Triggers and Actions. For example, you can connect your website, CRM, SMS system, POS and much more together.


The idea of not needing a plan and just running ahead because the brute force is guaranteed to work in an instance. E.g. Leeroy tried to Zug-Zug and lost.


301 Redirects

If you need to know what a 301 redirect is, you might be thinking about a website redesign. When you permanently redirect one URL to another, you need to implement a 301 redirect so that it doesn’t mess up that SEO strategy you’ve worked so hard on. A 301 redirect can pass 90-99% of ranking power from the old URL to the new one, and in most instances, it’s the best method for implementing redirects on a website.


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