What is Inbound Marketing SEO and how to improve it
As we begin looking at the fundamentals of Inbound Marketing, the first step is your website’s SEO.
Search engine optimization has always been a big buzz word on the internet. There is even good and bad SEO. White Hat and Black Hat. Each search engine has its own set if rules though.
The three primary elements of SEO can summed up as:
- Site speed
- relevance
- authority
People may use different terms to describe these elements. However, every small business owner does not need to know the detailed inner workings of Google’s algorithms to improve your website.
This one is the more complicated elements of SEO, but it is not that bad. Most simple websites only have to worry about the size of their photos. “Dynamic” websites that have a lot of moving elements, sliding photos and an interactive navigation require more attention.
You can use Google’s PageSpeed Test and Pingdom to rate your site speed. If the images need resizing, that is generally something you can do just by re-sizing some images and uploading them. Other elements such as browser caching or gzip compression I would be more than happy to help with it:
when Google sees that it takes a long time to load your site, that sends them two red flags. The first being that if a website has a long load time, it might have viruses, malware, or other malicious content. The second is sometimes there will be keyword keywords or links embedded on the web page. Even though these may not visible to a user, it can affect your rank number.
This encompasses how relevant your content is to the user. Is your fishing lure how to article relevant to fishermen? It also speaks to somewhat invisible page elements known as meta descriptions, focus keywords, and Title/Header.
Using the fishing example, your keyword might be “trout fly fishing” (I seriously know nothing about fly fishing and trout). Well, Google will scan your page Headings and look for “Trout Fly Fishing.” If the name of your article and your headings resemble, “Catching the Big River Fish,” Google won’t think the article is about “Trout Fly Fishing.”
Meta descriptions in some Content Management Systems can be defined, but typically Google just pulls content from the first paragraph underneath your headings for that information. If you don’t even mention the words “Trout Fly Fishing,” Google won’t think your relevant for that term because you never mentioned it. Even though your article really is about fishing for trout with a fly fishing rod, Google won’t think it is.
Take Away Point
Make sure you know what keywords you are wanting to rank for and actually use it. Don’t be obnoxious about it though. Write content that humans genuinely want to read, use the appropriate keyword, and Google will think your pretty relevant and awesome.
Authority can be one of the hardest things to build in SEO for small companies and blogs. Authority in the traditional sense of the word is typically given to someone by another and commonly associated with power. What Google looks for is how many people or websites link back to your website, e.g. how much authority/credibility has been given to you. This is commonly known as Backlinks.
One primary way that you can build authority is Social Media. When you have Google Analytics, Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster setup with your website, Facebook page, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. all pointing to your website, search engines see at as credibility sources and ranks you higher.
Other ways you can build credibility is getting links from vendors, newspapers, and Wikipedia. Getting links from highly credible companies or somehow a link from a .EDU domain can really boost your ranks.
As always, if you want to talk more about this and or schedule a consulting meeting to make a social media marketing plan, feel free to:
Call 509-240-9735
Catch me on twitter at: https://twitter.com/YourAdAgency_
Email me Adam@PullmanMarketing.com