Why We Chose To Be A Microsoft Partner

Reading Time: 2-7 Minutes

Being a Microsoft Partner gives us access to the premier cloud computing platform: Microsoft Azure. 

This means that it provides: 

  • Easy website hosting 
  • Pay-as-you-go file storage 
  • And virtual machines galore! 

This cloud computing platform also simplifies licensing by allowing you a pay-as-you-go structure rather than massive one-time payments or ridiculous subscription fees. 

So then why do we at Pullman Marketing choose to be a Microsoft Partner? 

  • Multi-Stage Security 
  • The platform’s many uses 
  • Its incredible speed 
  • Office 365 
  • Exchange|360 
  • Azure Active Directory 
  • The promise of Microsoft 

Products on the Microsoft platform are quite secure. For example, Microsoft Azure runs in data centers managed and operated by Microsoft Global Foundation Services (GFS). These data centers comply with key industry standards, like ISO/IEC 27001:2005, for security and reliability. They are managed, monitored, and administered by Microsoft operations staff that have an abundance of experience delivering the largest online services. They take their security so serious that they don’t re-use hardware, for example, they literally toss out old hard drives into a wood-chipper type shredder. 

The whole platform has an abundance of uses from security, to storage, to app development, to machine learning, and more. In addition to all of these usage possibilities, Microsoft continually innovates the platform adding features and tools as they discover better ideas and optimal uses. 

Microsoft is also a fast platform. While it’s not as fast as Google in the US, it has more regions of coverage spanning the globe to provide a more consistent international experience. 

Additionally, here are some speed test results from our own hosting environments: 

Host  DreamHost 


Speed  2.06 Seconds  2.20 Seconds 

0.98 Seconds 



Now, as a Microsoft business partner, we offer Office 365 deployment for your organization. 

Technology is changing fast and Microsoft Office 365 presents new opportunities and challenges for organizations of every size. Because every business is unique, the decision to implement Office 365 isn’t always clear-cut, but for those who it does make sense for, it’s an awesome platform with cost savings and scalability that give your business and IT department the freedom to focus on doing more awesome things, instead of maintaining the Exchange, Lync or Sharepoint infrastructure. 

The Microsoft Azure Cloud Exchange Account EXCHANGE|360 service provides your business with a fully managed Exchange environment that allows users to leverage the same advanced email tools that large organizations use with an affordable monthly cost-per-user mailbox. With as little as one mailbox, EXCHANGE|360 provides you with an easy to scale email system.  

Azure Cloud Administration: If you need a managed VPS, database, or server that is in a secure cloud environment, we can do it for you! 

Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) provides an easy way for you to manage access and identity, both in the cloud and local. Your users can use the same account for single sign-on to any cloud and local web application.  Your users can use their favorite devices, including iOS, Mac OS X, Android, and Windows. Your business can protect sensitive data and applications both locally and in the cloud with integrated multi-factor authentication ensuring secure local and remote access. Azure AD extends your local directories so that information workers can use a single organizational account to securely and consistently access their business resources. Azure AD also offers comprehensive reports, analytics, and self-service capabilities to reduce costs and enhance security. The Azure AD SLA ensures that your business runs smoothly at all times and can be scaled from 1-5 employees to over 500+. 

Finally, we like the promise of Microsoft. The Microsoft promise isn’t spoken, but more philosophical in nature. The huge market share and consideration that most businesses use Windows products shows partnering with a company like Microsoft is a step of forwarding momentum.  

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