How Much Does A Video Cost in 2022?

Reading Time: 2-7 Minutes

So really, how much does a video cost?

Are you Stephen Spielberg? $160 Million for your next feature film
Using a 20-year-old camcorder? $0 for precious family memories

Neither of those? Let’s talk.

The fact is, there isn’t a short (or easy) answer.

And while we all want a personal video as iconic as Jurassic Park, at Pullman Marketing we know from experience the videos that perform best are the ones tailored just for you.

Think of it as buying a car. Any car you purchase enables you to go much further than you could before (think back to those precious family memories played back on VHS tape), but not everyone needs the latest Lamborghini hypercar.

Here’s the good news: we can make the video you do need.

Do you need a powerful video ad that promotes your business or product better than you could’ve imagined?

We can do that.

Do you want to create a professional online course to effectively reach your audience?

We can do that too.

When you have a tailored video that matches your branding, you have a real creative asset for your business.

What goes into making a video?

Whether you need a 5-second video for Facebook, a 2-minute mini-doc for your website, or a multi-hour webinar as a product to sell, many aspects of filmmaking stay the same.

  • Pre-production
    • Scripting
    • Location Scouting
    • Blocking
    • Building Brand Themes and Storytelling
  • Production
    • Video and Audio Equipment
    • Filming
    • Actors
    • Voice-Over
  • Post Production
    • Video Editing
    • Graphic Design
    • Stock Footage
    • Music
    • Color Grading
    • Advertising

Don’t let that list overcomplicate things- every video we make begins its life as a question: What do you need? 

From that need – planning and thought form the concept. From that idea springs the script: the tone and feel of how we want to delight and captivate your customers.

Each shot is crafted to create an impression and impact on the viewer- choosing the right faces, voices, and surroundings that best represent your ideal customer and brand.

We take that footage and mold it, refine it- like a river smoothing rough rocks- to create a simple, eloquent, and powerful video. A video that cuts through the noise of the busy American lifestyle and creates a tangible response.

Video is a visual and auditory representation of who you are, with the very best on display. 

*It’s important to note that the best video for your business can’t be a carbon copy of another video. While we may draw visual compositions from other videos, we create authentic video marketing to match your business.

It’s also important to remember that a video is an investment: a good video is often worth more than you’d like to pay at first. Going back to the car analogy: sure, you could buy a used car for a couple of hundred dollars- it might work for a while- but it rarely benefits you in the long run. In fact, it usually costs MORE than if you had purchased a higher expense car in better condition!

Now, it might feel like we’ve been dancing around the subject of cost without actually saying “How much DOES a video cost?” You’d be right- but it’s not because we’re afraid to tell you. Each video we make is unique- custom-made for that business, not every business. The video we make for you is specially made- based on your budget, your needs, your customers, and you- your business. We won’t make just any video: we’ll make yours.

Some of our most popular options:

Business Campaign and YouTube Advertising

A powerful part of establishing credibility is putting a name and face to the glowing words for your business. When you or your customers are willing to publicly explain that your services are incredible, we want to capture and highlight that for your website, social and brick-mortar presences.

Online Video Course Creation

We specialize in being the one-stop-shop for video course creation: providing the space, overseeing recording and final production of your video courses. Our work includes medical, motivational, and martial arts courses for businesses to generate recurring and passive income.

Social Media Marketing

Social media is more popular than ever, and having the right video for the right site is vital. These can be short-form (under 10 seconds), long-form (over 5 minutes), or even live-streamed.

Want To Learn More?

All of our initial consults are free and we love helping companies work through their actual needs. A video can be a big investment for any company and finding the right fit can be difficult.

That’s where we come in. We can help you discover the stories  that fit new or existing marketing strategies and integrate into your current systems.

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